
GraphHopper Blog

The New GraphHopper Maps

When I started working on the open source GraphHopper routing engine ten years ago, I created a simple visualization for the routes and various algorithms with Swing (Java). But I wanted to show the full potential of GraphHopper to a wider audience, so I hacked together a GraphHopper Maps demo in JavaScript (using jQuery) to […]

GraphHopper Routing Engine 6.0 Released

We have released the next version of GraphHopper, the flexible and fast open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Read more about it on GitHub and read on to find out what’s new. Faster Route Calculation The route calculation for the flexible mode got up to 30% faster! Great rework from @easbar (#2571 and #2600). And […]

Host Your Own Worldwide Route Calculator With GraphHopper

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free digital map of the world that is created and maintained by millions of users. Among many other things it includes detailed information about every possible type of road, ranging from narrow hiking trails in the mountains to the biggest motorways. Using the open source GraphHopper routing engine you can easily […]

Scaling Governors Can Have Bugs

All started on 27th April when my colleague Andi found a tweak that would make requests towards our Matrix API a little bit faster for matrices with only a few dozens of locations. He just had to find the specific number of locations when it made sense to use it in production. But something was […]

GraphHopper Routing Engine 5.0 Released

We just released the next version of GraphHopper, the flexible and fast open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap written in Java. Let’s see what’s included in this update: Improved OSM Import We revised GraphHopper’s data import process for OSM data. It is now a lot more flexible and we can better deal with node tags […]

GraphHopper is Again Gold Corporate Member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation

Almost exactly 10 years ago we released a first version of our open source project GraphHopper. 6 years ago we founded the company GraphHopper. Both would not have been possible without OpenStreetMap. To give back a little bit we are again Gold Corporate Member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation and offer our routing service for free […]