

Path Details Updates

The Routing API has supported path details for 2 years, but had some limitations. E.g. the details like cycleway, or bridleway where missing, which is now returned instead of a generic “other” value. Also path details are now supported for the TomTom add-on. Before: Afterwards: If you want to see this feature in action on […]

Incredibly Fast Distance Matrix API With GraphHopper

One of the main purposes of our open-source routing engine is calculating the ideal route to get from one place to another. Using publicly available map data from OpenStreetMap it can calculate the optimal route for a given source-target pair for many different vehicles and flexible optimization criteria. However, such route calculations become considerably more […]

GraphHopper Routing Engine 0.12 Released

A new release 0.12.0 of the open soure GraphHopper routing engine is available. The GraphHopper routing engine supported turn restrictions and turn costs only for a subset of its algorithms. After over a year of work on the edge-based routing for the speed mode (Contraction Hierarchy=CH) it is now possible to support turn costs for […]