
Directions API

GraphHopper is Again Gold Corporate Member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation

Almost exactly 10 years ago we released a first version of our open source project GraphHopper. 6 years ago we founded the company GraphHopper. Both would not have been possible without OpenStreetMap. To give back a little bit we are again Gold Corporate Member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation and offer our routing service for free […]

New API Dashboard

We have polished the dashboard for our Directions API. Especially the usage statistics are much prettier now. You can now view the credit usage per API key very nicely in a bar chart or just download it completely. Have fun analyzing your usage statistics! Your GraphHopper Team

Routing API: Using Path Details

With the GraphHopper Directions API it is easy to calculate the route from A to B including multiple intermediate waypoints. Our customers often use the Route Optimization API to get an optimized order of many deliveries. To deliver your packages or services in real world you additionally need a navigation application where you need turn […]

July News From GraphHopper

We are happy to announce further improvements of our services. Please note that we will remove the possibility to use TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in approx. 6 weeks. On 1. September these older protocols won’t be possible anymore. Nearly all clients should use more recent versions already, so highly likely no action must be taken […]