
GraphHopper Blog

GraphHopper an Open Source and Flexible Alternative to Google Maps API

Update: No need to install and maintain GraphHopper on your own expensive hardware. Sign up to the GraphHopper Directions API for business which makes it very easy, cost effective and reliable to consume GraphHopper routes with always up-to-date software and OpenStreetMap data. On Monday we released version 0.2 of GraphHopper an Open Source road routing […]

Releasing GraphHopper 0.2 – Further & Faster Road Routing!

Today we’re releasing version 0.2 of our Open Source road routing engine GraphHopper written in 100% Java. Faster! All algorithms are faster due to bug fixes and fine tuning A preparation is necessary for our optional speed-up technique called Contraction Hierarchy. This preparation is also faster. Further! We finally fixed GPS-exact routing so you don’t have […]

Tricks to Speed up Neighbor Searches of Quadtrees. #geo #spatial #java

In Java land there are at least two quadtree implementations which are not yet optimal, so I though I’ll post some possibilities to tune them. Some of those possibilities are already implemented in my GraphHopper project. Quadtree What is a quadtree? Wikipedia says: “A quadtree is a tree data structure in which each internal node […]